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A Code of Practice For Muslims in the West


Author(s): Ayatullah Ali Al-Husayni Al-Sistani

Translator(s): Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi

Publisher(s): Imam Ali Foundation

Category: General

Topic Tags: Fiqh Laws Shariah

ISBN: 978-964-438-810-1

Subject: Jafari jurisprudence

Subject: Shia fatwas, 14th century

Added entry: Hakim, Abdul Hãdi Mohammad Taqi

Added entry: Rizvi, Sayyid Muhammad

Added entry: Khafaji, Najim

Congress Classification: BP183/9/س 9ف 704952 1388

Dewey Classification: 297/3422

National bibliography numbers: 1921414


سرشناسه : سیستانی، سیدعلی، 1309 -

Sistani, Ali

عنوان قراردادی : الفقه للمغتربین وفق فتاوی سماحه آیه الله العظمی السیدعلی الحسینی السیستانی (دام ظله). انگلیسی.

عنوان و نام پدیدآور : A code of practice for Muslims in the West: in accordance with the edicts of Ayatullah al-udhma As-Sayyid Ali al-Husaini -Seestani/ written by Abdul Hadi al-Hakim; translated by Muhammad Rizvi; edited by Najim al-Khafaji.

مشخصات نشر : Qum: Ansariyan, 2009= 1388.

مشخصات ظاهری : 306ص.: مصور.

شابک : 978-964-438-810-1

یادداشت : انگلیسی.

موضوع : فقه جعفری -- رساله عملیه

موضوع : فتوا های شیعه -- قرن 14

شناسه افزوده : حکیم، عبدالهادی محمدتقی، گردآورنده

شناسه افزوده : Hakim, Abdul Hãdi Mohammad Taqi

شناسه افزوده : رضوی، سیدمحمد، 1952 - م.

شناسه افزوده : Rizvi, Sayyid Muhammad

شناسه افزوده : خفاجی، نجم ، ویراستار

شناسه افزوده : Khafaji, Najim

رده بندی کنگره : BP183/9/س 9ف 704952 1388

رده بندی دیویی : 297/3422

شماره کتابشناسی ملی : 1921414


Islamic laws explained with focus on the problems and issues faced by the Muslims in the West presented in a question and answer format.


On the morning of a sunny day in winter of Rajab 1416 A.H. (January 1995), the aircraft took off with me on board towards London, the capital of Britain.

When the aircraft moved from the east to the west, from the land of sunshine to the capital of fog, I could feel the warmth of the sun from the plane's windows, the warmth that I bade farewell to as I left my homeland.

When the plane leveled off at the centre of the sky and its flight become smooth and calm, as if it were firmly fixed on a central poll, I decided to use the time by reciting some chapters of the pocket-size holy Qur'an that was with me.

This has been my habit from my childhood since I set my eyes on my grandfather in our vast home in Najaf and heard him recite the Qur'an every morning, afternoon, and at night, during his travels and at other times. And I also have retained in my memory the fact that my father used to carry a copy of the Holy Qur'an in his pocket so that he is not far removed from it at home as well as away from home.

I opened the

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